Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby, Baby, Can You Feel My Heartbeat?

Tuesday I saw the cardiologist for the first time. I admit, I felt nervous, wondering what he would find.
I had filled out all of the paperwork I was sent. I brought copies of the sleep test EKG, recent blood work and list of my medications and supplements.
First stop was in a room with a nurse. She filled out some information on the computer, then hooked me up to do an EKG. It surprised me how quickly it was done. When she left, she said the doctor would be in. My usual experience is that it is at least 15 minutes or more before the doctor shows up, so I came prepared with my ipod. I had barely got the earphones in, when the doctor came in.
He asked me what medical issues I have, asked about family history of heart problems/disease, and how do I feel in general. He looked over a thick file my primary doctor had sent to him, especially wanting to know about my granumolotus (SP?) disease - he asked several times during the appointment if I have (Or had) diabetes or tuberculosis, of if I have ever smoked. He went over the EKG and told me that I had 33 heartbeats that were too fast. He said because of that he wants me to see a heart specialist - an arrhythmia doctor.
He said although I do not have a lot of risk factors for heart disease, the ones I have are big ones - good cholesterol too low, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and granumolotus disease.
He asked if I could walk on a treadmill for a stress test. I assured him, as long as I can hold on, I walk on a treadmill at least five times a week.
He said there could be many causes of the heart issue of not beating properly. With granulomotus, the growths from the scarring which I have on other organs could also be found in my heart. With sleep apnea, the stopping breathing can cause heart rate difficulties.
I asked him what about me continuing to exercise. He said I could walk. I told him I cannot walk far because of my back. He then conceded that I could go on the treadmill to walk, but no faster than 3 miles per hour. But I can do nothing to stress my heart until we get the results of all of my tests.
After he was finished, he showed me to the desk of a scheduling person. I met with her for about 20 minutes to set up all of the tests. I was confused because he instead of a treadmill stress test, he ordered a nuclear stress test for me, which takes 3 or 4 hours. I have to have an echo cardiogram of my heart to see if it is healthy. I have to wear a heart monitor for a 24 hour period. I have to see him again after all of the tests and she also made my appointment with the heart specialist for the end of December. IN addition, he prescribed a beta blocker for me to take to slow my heart down. ( I was not aware it was too fast). Finally he sent me for (more) blood work, to see my magnesium level and do and ACE panel. My arm is still bruised from when I had blood drawn last Thursday, but at least she knew what spot she could find a vein.
When I went to the appointment, I was not feeling too bad. After hearing all of the possibilities, scheduling all the tests, having to see a specialist, getting an additional medication (I have been hoping to get off some of my meds, not add more) and being told to cut back on my exercise, I am extremely nervous.
I know I need to be careful until all the information is in, but I have been exercising for many months now. I am not willing to back off and lose all of the good I have gained. I am going to continue doing what I have been doing at the gym, just not as much or as intense.
I took the beta blocker this morning. I do not know if it was the effect of that, but I noticed at the gym while walking on the treadmill, I could not get my heart rate up like I usually do - and it took a lot longer for it to increase. I also noticed it kept at a steady rate for longer periods, instead of hopping around like it does sometimes. (I wear a heart rate monitor when I go to the gym every time - I do not rely on the machines to monitor my rate)
I thank you for your prayers and ask that you continue to pray and believe with me. My tests should be completed by the end of November and I see the regular cardiologist the second week in December to discuss results.


i am supergirl. said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Ruthie!!

Dottie said...

Like Wow! I would have been bowled over with all that information and all those tests. I had an echocardiogram a few months ago. It was so cool to see your heart beating. God has designed our body so intrinctly. I will most definitely continue to pray for you. That God would heal you and you could baffle all these different doctors.
May the Peace of God go with you.
He holds your hand each step of the way.


Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear that the heart tests indicate some issues but it is good the issues are being addressed. I am sure you are very tired of medical tests and dr appts. I continue to pray for you and that improvements will be in all areas.

Unknown said...

Hi Ruthie! I will pray for you too. I've never had any of those tests, but they do sound scary! Good for you, though, keeping up some exercise! God bless you!
