Friday, January 9, 2009

The blessing and curse of being emotional

I am an emotional person. I feel things deeply. It is part of what makes me the person I am.
I have removed my previous post. It was written in the midst of an extremely emotional time - the passing and funeral of my husband's dear father. Everyone's emotions were on edge.
IN the height of my own emotional pain, I said some unkind things about others. I am truly sorry and apologize for that. Just because I was hurting, did not give me the right to speak badly of anyone else. There are two sides to every story. I was wrong to present my case in that forum. Please forgive me.
We are all grieving in our own ways. Support and encouragement are what we all need right now - Not harsh words and accusations.
I humbly apologize and ask forgiveness for my words and attitude.


Unknown said...

I saw nothing wrong with what you wrote. You told what happened. Sometimes truth is ugly. The hurts you endured were real. However, if God has lead you to feel you should not leave the blog posted, I would not challenge what He has shown you is right. I was the first to comment on it. I don't know who else may have read it but although reading it made me cry, I am glad I had the opportunity to read and understand what happened. If nothing else, I hope writing it out gave you perspective, at least that's what happens to me. Sometimes after I write a letter to a person who has hurt me I find I do not need to send it and can let the hurt go. Considering what was done, and the severed relationships, letting go of the hurt you described would seem to be a miracle that can only come from God. Meanwhile, as God works the miracle He can give us the grace to accept what we cannot change.

Pearlfleur said...

Dear Ruthie,

We are all human, after all. You were hurting, and you needed solace. Please don't beat yourself up over showing your hurt.
I hope that time will pass and you will feel better.
