Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Facebook: The Good, The Bad and The Confusing

I have joined the Facebook generation.  Several months ago I was talked into joining.  I signed up, added a profile and pictures, joined a few networks and found some friends.  I learned how to update my status.  
Now that I have been using it for a while I have formed some opinions about Facebook.  There are things I like, things I do not like and things that are confusing.  
First let me remind everyone, I use a MAC computer.  When I first joined FB, people started asking me to add applications.  At first when I tried, some of them just did not work with my MAC.  That was confusing.  I made a decision after a few of those, I would not be adding any applications to my FB.  I still get dozens of requests a day.  I hit the ignore button.  I did not join FB to play games, take quizzes, to farm, to make a zoo, to hunt for eggs, or to see what Michael Jackson song I am most like.
I quickly realised that I enjoyed reading and commenting on the friends' updates.  I take the time to read what is going on with my friends and either let them know I like it, or leave a comment.  
There are a couple of bad things about this, though.  Now the updates include all of the polls, quizzes, farms, hunts, mafia wars, games etc that they all participate in.  This, to me, clogs up the new feed.  I do not really care about those things. Give me back just the updates, please.
In addition to that, I am disappointed that most of the time, my updates are not reacted to.  Along that same line, I leave a comment on a friend's wall and get no response.  I guess what bugs me the most is all of the friends who want such big followings, yet could care less about their followers.  I wrote a blog about three such friends ( a very nice blog, I might add) and let them each know.  They did not even bother to either check it out or respond in any way. I used to leave comments on their updates, but I have decided no to do that anymore.  
I realize that if you have thousands of followers you cannot comment on every one, but how about every once in a while pick a few to bless with your words?  One time Don Moen responded to me personally and it meant the world to me.  SO my advice is, if you want people to leave comments on yours, do the same for them.
I really like the surprises from FB.  I have received friend requests from old friends I have not seen in years, and from friends around the country, as well as new friends with common interests.  It is fun to be able to connect with these people more regularly.
I enjoy catching up with friends through the photos they post on FB.  Seeing how their families have grown and changed is fun.
So I guess overall, I like FB and what it offers - but I admit I know nothing about Twittering.


i am supergirl. said...

oh ruthie. this is why i love you!

i agree. facebook used to be all about the updates and letting ppl know what you're up to. they were actually the first to do it. myspace's updates came later and then several months later came twitter. literally twitter is just updates. i had a twitter and then deleted it because it got blocked at work. i still use my myspace and facebook but only at home, so i very rarely get on either of those.
but i can't stand all those apps on facebook, and even now on myspace too. i have a few but i just can't keep up with it all.

Dottie said...

I just needed to leave a comment
Face Book like wow! I have been invited to join by my son but I have not done so! Sounds like once you get thru all the junk it could be fun. I too would not care for all the extraneous stuff.
And I think SP is there somewhere to. At least that is my understanding. I agree it is nice to connect with friends and exchange pics and current information. I hope your day goes well. Be Blessed

Unknown said...

Maybe it's our generation . . .my feelings are similar about FB. The applications totally confuse me! I admit I don't have a lot of time to put into it and often wait until I get an email about a friend request or so something before I even go there. So . . .I guess I'm not a good facebooker. And twitter is driving me crazy. It doesn't work half the time. LOL Or there are too many tweets. Oh well . . .I still love being online and all the things available to be involved in.

Shanshe said...

On FB you can click on Status updates on the left of your "home" page and it takes the other stuff out and you just see the updates...

Also, instead of "ignore" click on "Block this application" and it will not take long until you are not receiving as many requests and will not have to take the time to "ignore" them all!

I personally like some of the applications, but got too involved in them and needed to cut down, so blocking the app made it much easier to let go of it.
