Thursday I had to go for a breathing test, or Pulmonary Function Test. Of course there is paperwork to fill out first. The woman registering me asked for my driver's license as ID. There are two problems with my driver's license: First, I have lost over 100 pounds since the picture was taken, so it does not look that much like me; second, in NJ, Motor Vehicles will only put your first name on the license with a middle initial. Those of you who know me, realize I have always been called by my middle name. All of my official documents, my checks, my accounts etc either have Ruth or M Ruth. Our medical insurance just has Ruth. When I made the appointment it was as Ruth, no mention of an initial or first name. After I was registered, she put a wrist ID band on me for the test. From there, I went into the ladies room, where I noticed the name on the wrist band was Mary. I returned to her and told her if she wanted the insurance to cover the test, she needed to put it in as Ruth, not Mary. But, but, but she tried to say. I told her do what she wants but my insurance does not recognize me as Mary. (and neither do I).
When I got called in for the test, the respiratory technician, of course had more paperwork to be filled out. When she tried to pull up my file on the computer, she could not find it. Of course, not, she was looking for Mary. I told her to try my actual name, Ruth. She said she could only go by what the woman had registered me as. I told her that she would not find it under Mary. Somehow she managed to pull up Ruth, and she wrote on the file Mary Ruth. She advised me to change my name officially to Ruth Mary. It would make things easier.
I did the test - breathing a lot of different ways, inhaling some medicine, and breathing some more. I will find out next week, when I see the sleep/pulmonary doctor, the results.
Friday I picked up the heart reading from the doctor to take with me to the cardiologist.
Next I went to CVS and got a flu shot (my doctor has been all out of it). Then I wanted to go to the radiologist, as it is a new one for me, and make the appointment for a CT scan of my chest. My doctor's office had called me with the number I thought I needed as approval from my insurance company. But I found out it was just a reference number and I had to call the company for the approval number. But, at least I found out exactly where I have to go to have it done.
When I got home, I called the insurance, and the person I spoke to was extremely helpful (for a nice change). At the end of the conversation, she even connected me to the facility so I could make the appointment. I will be having the CT scan on Monday morning. Hopefully the results will be available in time for my appointment withe the doctor on Thursday morning.
In the afternoon , I went to the gym and also worked with my trainer for half an hour.
Last night I felt awful. I ached all over, my eyes hurt and my stomach hurt. I never sleep well and I was exhausted. Even so, I did not sleep well again last night. I wonder if the flu shot was making me feel sick.
SO that is the latest. I'll update after I have some more information to report.