Sunday, April 5, 2009

Long Lost Blog

(Excerpt from Long Lost by Harlan Coben (c) 2009 Dutton)
"I...called my parents...
'Mom, it's me.'
'Hello, darling.' Mom sounded tired. 'I'm just back from the doctor.'
'Are you okay?'
'You can read about it in my blog tonight,' Mom said.
'Hold on, you just got back from the doctor, right?'
Mom sighed. 'I just said that didn't I?'
'Right, so I am asking about your health.'
'That's going to be my blog topic. If you want to know more, read it.'
'You won't tell me?'
'Don't take it personally, sweetie. This way I don't have to repeat myself when someone else asks.'
'So you blog about it instead?'
'It increases traffic to my site. See, now you're interested, am I right? So I'll get more hits.'
My mother, ladies and gentlemen.
'I didn't even know you had a blog.'
'Oh sure, I'm very now, very today, very hip. I'm on MyFace too.'
I heard my father in the background shout out, 'It's called My Space.'
'I thought it was MyFace.'
'That's Facebook. You have one of those, too. And My SPace.'
'Are you sure?'
Yes, I'm sure.'
'Listen to Mr. Billy Gates back there. Knows everything about the internet all of a sudden.'
'And your mother is fine,' Dad yelled out.
'Don't tell him,' she whined. 'Now he won't click my blog.' "

I hope you are thinking, "Gee that sounds just like Ruthie." When I read it to my hubby and my two sons they both laughed and said it sure sounded familiar.
I started writing this blog several months ago, at my hubby's suggestion, to keep people updated on my various health concerns. Sometimes it is hard to have to report disappointing news over and over to each individual. Writing in a blog format informs everyone at once. I offended some people when they would ask how am I, by asking them to read my blog. They have never since asked about my health.
My daughter's favorite author is Harlan Coben. She has read all of his books and passed many on to me, so I have read most of them also. He is a mystery writer from NJ. By going to many of his book signings, she has gotten to know Mr. Coben. They are friends on the internet social sites.
One day while interacting with him, she mentioned something about reading her mother's (my) blog. He was very interested in her mother having a blog and asked more about it. He told her he would use that in his new book - that the main character's mother would have a blog like me.
Having read the book, she was so excited about the blog section. She sent me the advance copy of the book to read. I agree, (don't you?) that he has captured the essence of me and my blog.
How fun to know I was the inspiration for this little part of his newest book. Thank you Mr. Coben. I hope everyone will go out and read not only this book but all of your books!


John S. said...

Its you!

i am supergirl. said...

how cool!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! I was thinking as I read it this sounds exactly like Ruthie! I thought it was an amazing coincidence. But the fact it was inspired by you is even better! I imagine that put a big smile on your face!

Sara said...

New York Times Best Seller!!!!!!