Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Listening to Anthony

I mentioned the other day that one way I find relief from the stress is music. So today I want to write about my friend, Anthony Burger.
When Anthony was eight months old, one of the wheels of his walker got caught on the furnace grate and the walker overturned, throwing him on the heater. His legs, face and hands got third degree burns. For a year he had to be carried around on a pillow. Three times a day he had to get medicated baths for the burns. His doctors told his family Athony would never be able to use his hands. God had another plan. By the time he was three, he was playing songs on the piano and when he was five was the youngest person to ever be accepted into Chattanooga Cadek Conservatory.
I first met Anthony when he was the pianist for the Kingsmen. Although he was young (he began with them when he was 16), he was amazing. We became friends when he joined the Gaither Vocal Band.
When he preformed at Homecoming gatherings, he was the artist who was on stage for the entire concert. No matter what song was announced, Anthony was right there on the piano ready with it. He was also the artist who was always at his product table to meet the fans.
It was at his solo concerts that he really excelled. When he came on the stage and began to play, the Holy Spirit filled that place.
Being shy, it was not easy for Anthony, but he made the extra effort to get to know his fans - and he truly cared about them. One time he knew it was my cousin's birthday and he emailed asking me for her phone number so he could call her. Another time, we were supposed to be at one of his solo concerts, but we could not go. He let us know he was worried about us when he did not see us there. Anthony exemplified what it means to follow Christ.
When he played the piano, he did it with all of his heart and passion.
Sadly for us, he was taken from us while playing the piano on a Gaither cruise two years ago. He was 42.
But I rejoice that we still have his music. When I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I listen to his cd "The Story - Praise and Worship". He plays one praise song after another and the Holy Spirit ministers to my soul. There is an anointing on this cd and it cannot help but bless anyone who listens to it.
All of his music is wonderful, he was a truly gifted musician, who overcame obstacles and shined in his gift for the glory of God. I am blessed to have known him. His gift continues on in his cds and dvds, bringiing comfort and peace to all who listen.

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