Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Being Invisible

When I was a kid I remember watching "The Invisible Man". In that show, a man was invisible and when he wanted to be seen he had to wrap himself in bandages (sort of like a mummy) and wear clothes over them. At the time, I thought how cool it would be, to be able to be invisible like that.
I do not think that ever since I became invisible. How, you ask, do you become invisible? Let me tell you.
I can be in a room with several other people and their conversation totally ignores me. Either the subject matter is something I am unfamiliar with, so can contribute nothing, or else I am just left out. Like I am not even there - invisible.
I can be working around the house, trying to get things done, and have to work around those who are sitting around, paying no attention. I am taken for granted - invisible.
All of the Christmas preparations magically get completed,by an invisible person - me.
The laundry somehow miraculously gets cleaned and dried on a weekly basis, by an invisible person, me.
If you look at the majority of our family pictures, you will notice an invisible person - me.
The stockings are hung and filled by the chimney with care - all by an invisible person - yet there is rarely one for me, because I am invisible.
Even at family get togethers, I am usually invisible, as others visit at my house.
I do not like being invisible. This year I have been trying to get the bandages wrapped around me as I have struggled with medical issues. I started writing a blog to try and overcome some of my invisibility. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Being invisible is not the fun time I imagined when I was a child watching that man on tv.


Anonymous said...

Zack and I don't think you are invisible.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling...the feeling that my contribution isn't noticed, feeling inadequate because obviously I didn't do enough since I'm not getting any recognition.

A verse that came to mind was the one that says to give in secret because great is our reward in Heaven, those who receive their praise here are done.

Even if people don't notice, God does, and he's the only one who matters.

Merry Christmas.

Wendy V said...

Ruthie my dearie, I pray that the New Year will be better for you in every possible way!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the invisiblity thing. I feel that way sometimes. But I just remember that My heavenly Father knows who I am and sees all that I do.

Unknown said...

I've felt that way sometimes myself. I'm sorry to hear that you felt that way on Christmas and apologize for any way I may have contributed to your feeling that way. It was not intentional.