Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Tribute

We just got the call. It was a call we did not want, but had been expecting. My father-in-law has passed away.
He lived over 85 years. I think he would have said he had a good life.
He was one of 7 children. He served in World War II. He married and had four children of his own. He was blessed with 10 grandchildren (one is by marriage). He lived to see one great grandchild. His family was important to him.
He worked as produce manager at A&P until retirement. He loved to travel, visiting, China, Jerusalem and , of course, Ireland among other places.
He enjoyed watching sports and had his favorite teams. He loved tinkering and doing little projects around the house. Gardening was one of his most enjoyed hobbies.
He was a quiet, soft spoken man. He showed caring to those around him. He relaxed with a cup of tea. He was a generous man. He lived simply, without a lot of stuff and gadgets. He liked to listen to music.
We will miss him. Our lives will not be quite as rich without him. In our hearts we will treasure our memories of him, with him. Father's Day will now take on a different meaning.
I pay tribute to my father-in-law. We loved you and you loved us. What else can I say?


Anonymous said...

May the Peace of God that passes all understanding be with you this week as you deal with this loss. May you find comfort in Jesus.

I have lost both my inlaws I was very close to them. I have also lost my Dad. I will be in prayer for you and your family.

Your friend

Anonymous said...

Dear Ruth,
I have been following your blog since you sent the link to me. I don't read it everyday, but I have made it a point to read all your entries. I am sorry that you are going thru such a tough time in your life right now. I have been praying that God will meet your needs. My sincere condolences to you & your family on the loss of your F-i-L. Your blog entry was a loving tribute to him, his life and his influences on your own life. Love & prayers, Debbie Haeussler

Unknown said...

I was very sorry to hear about John's father passing away. What a loving tribute you have written about him. Thanks for sharing it.