Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I can't Make This Stuff Up
Here it is laundry day again. Not much has changed since last week when I wrote. I am still tired - even more so now that it has been almost three weeks without using my sleep machine.
I saw my primary doctor yesterday for a nose wound check. I finished the antibiotics on Sunday and continue to use the antibiotic cream on the wound. Although it is healing and improving, it still looks awful. He wants to see me again next Monday to check it again.
My blood pressure was 141/62. They had misplaced my blood work results and had to call and get the lab to fax it over while I was there. Everything was good except the HDL (good cholesterol) was too low again. This prevented the doctor from taking me off of the niaspan. I was disappointed.
We discussed the difficulties I was having with the sleep doctor and he referred me to a different one.
Before I drove home, I called the current sleep doctor to cancel my appointment for today since I still have no mask and cannot use my machine. I had to leave a message. No one called me back concerning the lack of a mask and being unable to use my machine for almost three weeks.
This morning I called the new sleep doctor's office to make an appointment. I was nervous about doing this,not quite knowing how to handle switching doctors. The woman was very nice. She looked on her computer to see if they had my sleep test results, but said no, I would have to bring them with me. The first available appointment is April 23rd. He is away on vacation right now and in other offices until then. When I explained about not having a mask, she told me my primary doctor could order it for me. I told her a mask had been ordered two weeks ago. She suggested I call the medical supply company.
SO when we finished, I called the medical supply company. When I asked about the order, she said there was a problem - the mask had been ordered in size medium, but that mask only comes in small and large, which do I need. I guessed a large, since a previous mask I had was small and it did not work well for me. I asked if they had even called the doctor's office to straighten this out or just let the order sit there unfilled for a week? She said she did not realize there was a problem until I called and she would call the doctor's office for authorization of the new size mask. I am telling you I could not make this stuff up. Does anybody actually care about their job to do what needs to be done? It is life threatening situations this company deals with and yet that order was just sitting there for who knows how long unattended due to a problem no one noticed.
Next I called the hospital sleep center where I had my sleep tests done to ask how I can have copies of my tests sent to the new sleep doctor. When I told her who the doctor is, she said "He already has copies of all of the tests ever done here at the hospital". I explained what the woman told me when she looked on her computer. The hospital person said "He has the results. I walked them over to his office myself."
It is unbelievable to me the runarounds I get from every direction. I am tired. I am hungry all the time from being tired. I doze off at inappropriate times. I am not comfortable to drive at night because I fear I will fall asleep. I have no energy to get anything done, let alone have to deal with all of this stuff just to get medical help. I have been trying for twenty minutes to call the new sleep doctor's office back, but get a busy signal.
I finally got through. She insists they do NOT have copies of my tests, but promised she would deal with the lady from the hospital and get the results.
SO I have gone through the hoops and the ringer already today and it is only 10:30am. But have I really accomplished anything at all???
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Medical update
Monday morning started with a visit to my primary doctor. Originally it was scheduled for a blood pressure check. Now I had a list of things to discuss.
When the nurse called me back and took me to the examining room, she kept staring at my nose. Finally she asked shat happened to it. she cringed when I told her. My blood pressure was 138/68. Top number a little high, bottom a little low.
The first thing the doctor asked was about my nose. He told me it was a pressure wound and probably infected. He insisted I stop using the mask because I was going to lose tissue if I continued. He also said I should go right to the sleep doctor (located at the other side of his building) and show them my nose and demand a new mask.
I asked about CT results and there was no change since the last one in October. I told him about the weight loss and change in eating habits and asked if we could talk about me getting off some of my medication - specifically niaspan (for high triglycerides) and some BP meds. HE sent me for blood work before he will consider it.
I have to go back in a week for him to check my nose. He gave me an oral antibiotic as well as a cream to put on the nose.
Next stop sleep doctor's office. When I got there, although the hours say M - F 9 - 5, the door was locked. As I got back into my car, another car was pulling in. The woman got out and went into the office. I gave her a couple of minutes to get settled and tried again.
As soon as she saw my nose, she asked what happened. When I explained it was from my sleep mask and what my doctor had said, she agreed. I asked he about the new mask that had been ordered last week. She checked my chart, found the order which had been faxed on March 16th, and said she would check on it. She wanted me to come back and see one of the doctors about my nose, but I saw no point in that. Just get me a mask I can use, because I know how potentially dangerous it is for me to sleep without the machine.
Before I got to my next stop, she called me back saying the mask would be fedexed to me today and I should have it by Tuesday or Wednesday. I was prematurely happy.
At about 4, she called back saying she cancelled the mask order because the doctor said it would not work for me and that I needed to come in to see one of the doctors the next day about a new mask. She kept talking about nasal pillows. I continued to tell her I breathe through my nose and need a full face mask. I do not think we ever had a meeting of the minds on that issue.
My Tuesday was already jammed full, but I finally arranged to go in at 4 to see one of the sleep doctors. She assured me she would make sure I did not have a long wait.
Monday night I did not sleep well without the machine. After I got up around 1:30 to make a pit stop, I did not sleep at all.
Tuesday first stop was the lab to have blood work, so I had no breakfast. I did start the laundry before I left home, though. From the lab, I went right to my chiropractor. He is always encouraging about my weight loss and healthy choices. After my regular adjustment, he worked on my lower back.
A quick stop home, to have some "brunch", switch the laundry and change clothes, then off to the gym. From the gym, a stop at the pharmacy to get the cream for my nose, which they did not have on Monday. Home for a laundry switch and clothes change, then to the sleep doctor.
I had to wait 30 minutes to see the doctor. I had not seen him before. He looked at my nose, said he had seen worse and it would heal. Then proceeded to show and fit me for a nasal mask. I kept insisting I breathe through my mouth, that I cannot breathe through my nose. He asked have I tried breathing through my nose and why can't I. I explained that between sinus problems and allergies, my nose is not clear enough to breathe through. After about ten minutes, and him putting the nasal mask on me and adjusting it, I finally got through to him that I needed a mask that also covers my mouth. He never heard of one that does not go over the nose and mouth together. When I described the one the machine technician told me about, he went and got his computer and googled it. When he saw that mask, he said, "Yeah, that will work," and wrote a prescription for it. I explained that a prescription had been written for it last week, and that the company was ready to send it out to me yesterday, but it was cancelled. He was surprised and asked why. I told him about the phone call from the woman at his office. I could see by his expression, he thought it was as ridiculous as I did.
In the meantime, while waiting for the new mask, he told me to use the nasal mask. I continued to ask how would it help, since I breathe through my mouth. He said at least I would be getting a flow of air through my nose. Although it made no sense to me, I was willing to give it a try.
On the way out, I gave the mask prescription to someone there to take care of ordering it. I am supposed to go back in a week for them to check my nose and see how I am doing with my new mask and machine. As far as I am concerned that visit was a waste of $40 and my time.
Last night I gave it a good try using that nasal mask. Yes, a lot of air flowed at my nasal passage, but it prevented me from breathing through my mouth, so I felt like I was suffocating. I tried three different times to use it, thinking I would get used to it somehow. I didn't. I gave up and slept without the machine. I did not sleep well, but I did get some sleep.
I will call them today and tell them it does not work for me and cancelling my appointment for next week. I will make another appointment when I get a mask I can actually use with this new machine.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Odd Weekend Reflections
We arrived early and went to Noshville for brunch. Noshville is a NY Deli in the heart of Nashville. There is always a wait, but worth it. I had an egg white omelet with avocado and tomato, with a fresh fruit cup. Yum!
On the way to my cousin's, where we were spending the night, we made a grocery stop to get some foods I would need to boost my protein intake over the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised at what a great selection I found.
That afternoon we had a nice visit with my cousin, his mother and sister and his friend. They complimented me on my weight loss. DW (my cousin) was having a lot of pain in his legs that day.
DW had a bad night so could not go to church with us as he had planned. His friend met us there. Pastor Hardwick, the founding pastor of Christ Church Nashville, preached as Pastor Dan was with a group in Ireland. He did greet us via video though. As usual the worship was refreshing and renewing.
After church we returned to Noshville for lunch. I had the same omelet as before but added a slice of cheese to get some additional protein. The afternoon was annoying in that every time I tried to visit with DW (or do anything for that matter) I got interrupted. IT was very hard when we left, because DW's friend really wanted us to spend another night with them.
We checked into the hotel, then went to TGI Friday's for dinner. IT is the same place we ate last month on Valentine's Day. From the start, the service this time was not good. We both ordered a salad, mine came, his didn't. The waitress was not to be found, so he had to get someone from the front to send her over. She said she thought he'd want his salad with his meal. (made no sense) The food arrived - I ordered salmon over rice - what I got was chicken over salad (I do not eat chicken). Again he had to go to the front to get someone to send the waitress. She took the chicken and I told hubby to go ahead and eat so his would not get cold. After several minutes the waitress returned saying she told them to put a rush on my food and it should be two minutes. After five or more, hubby went to find the manager. He heard of our experience. When we got to why I had no meal, he said, "Let me go get your food. I'll be right back." When he returned, he said, "The salmon is hot, I pulled it off the grill myself." He apologized for the bad service and said he would take care of our check. When I had my meal for about 2 minutes, the waitress came over with a take out box mumbling something about not wanting to rush us. I said "What?" and she hurried away.
Back at the hotel, I met a very nice couple from Dallas in the workout room. It made the time go faster to have someone else there to talk to.
Monday we visited my Aunt Rosie, who I had not seen since last May. She told us how she had dropped a frozen Buffalo head on her foot a few months ago...but that is for another time.
Our next stop was a two hour drive to see some long time friends in Crossville. The husband is in a nursing home. I do not like nursing homes, and I was expecting the worse. When I saw him, I was surprised. He has lost a lot of weight, has only two teeth left and had Parkinson's, so when he grips something, he has to be pried off. But his mind is sharp and he maintains his great sense of humor. We had a good visit with both him and his wife.
On the way back to Nashville, we needed to find someplace to have dinner. We decided on Red Lobster and it was a great choice. Our waitress introduced herself and said she was going to give us excellent service - and she did!
Although our time in Nashville had its ups and downs, the flight home was smooth. During our stay I was able to work out three times and to do a better job of eating what I needed to. Thank you to my sweetie, for another great weekend.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Of sleep machines and masks
All went well with having both tests. Although I have heard nothing about the CT scan, the letter I received about the mammogram stated the exact same message as it has for the past ten years - that a benign area was found and to have another one done in a year.
Wednesday I got a call making an appointment to deliver my new sleep machine on Friday morning. It turns out that a company took over the medical supply place I had used previously, as well as this one delivering the new machine. The former company no longer takes NJ clients, since it is located in Philadelphia. The new company is in NJ. This is probably what the problem was with my insurance initially.
When the technician arrived, she told me I was their first client to get this type of machine. They had only had the training on how to set it up the day before. It took a little while, but we finally got it figured out.
As I mentioned before the new mask I got about 3 weeks ago, although it holds the seal very well, has made a painful sore on my nose. The technician told me it was the worst she had seen. She recommended that I get a hybrid mask until my nose heals and then to try this mask again. The mask she suggested has tubes that go up to the nostrils. These tubes are attached to a mouth mask, so there is nothing on the outer nose at all.
We were away for the weekend, but I called my sleep doctor's office first thing Monday morning to tell them to prescribe the new mask for me. I kept getting a recording saying to leave a message and they would call me back that day. At 4pm I had not heard, so I called back. The woman said she would fax the order for the mask right away.
In the meantime, I am still using the mask that hurts my nose. The nose is starting to heal, but still looks pretty bad. It is difficult getting to sleep with my nose throbbing from the pressure of the mask.
The new machine is very quiet. It works more like a ventilator. The first machine would ramp up to full pressure and stay there all night, always giving me lots of pressure. This machine has a pressure range. It measures my breathing patterns, and when I stop breathing, mimics the pressure I was breathing at. I am sleeping longer without waking up. Once I get the mask situation taken care of, I think I will be able to get a good night's sleep.
Next week I will see my primary doctor for a blood pressure check. I also want to find out CT scan results, as well as talk about eliminating at least one medication.
In my next blog I will write about my adventures on our weekend away.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
1. I have to use a sleep machine with a full face mask to sleep (due to severe sleep apnea).
2. I no longer have hypoplasia (due to having a D&C and taking medication).
3. I have a lap again so my grandson can sit on it.
4. My back pain is no longer in my legs (due to physical therapy and exercise).
5. I can make dinner, staying on my feet for longer than 2 minutes without excruciating back pain.
6. I have lost over 70 pounds - my face and mid section are proof.
7. I joined a gym and exercise 6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day.
8. I began writing a blog.
9. I am seeing a dietitian who has helped me learn how to make healthy eating choices.
10. I have not had pneumonia or bronchitis this winter.
11. I have had more doctor appointments and medical tests than in the past.
12. I have dropped two clothes sizes.
13. When I had my Ct scan and mammogram, I was able to wear the "normal" size gown (instead of the "plus" size) and it wrapped around me and covered everything.
14. I have consistently lost weight every week during this past year.
15. I have encouraged others when I was in need of encouragement.
16. I joined Facebook.
17. The Spark People nutrition tracker has become a necessary tool in my life.
18. I have tried, even when the pain was great.
19. I have lived with constant pain and done so without moaning and complaining (most of the time).
20. I have made my health a high priority.
These are just some of the changes over the past year. More changes will have to be made. Perhaps listing them here and realising the benefits will make it easier for me to deal with change. Somehow I do not think so.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Here's the Latest
On January 12th I had another sleep test done. After three weeks of hearing nothing from the doctor as to the results, I called. There was a problem as to what machine I now needed. I rescheduled my appointment from the end of February, since he wanted me using the new machine before he sees me again. The new date was the 10th of March. When I still had heard nothing about a new machine by last Thursday, I called to reschedule the appointment again, as it was obvious I would not be using a new machine prior to that appointment.
The person I spoke to was surprised I had heard nothing more about the machine. My last information was that the supply company and the doctor differed on what machine I should be getting. She told me that in the meantime, the supply company had sent the doctor specifications for both machines (the one he ordered and the one they want to give me) to show him that both machines perform the same functions. When he looked over the specifications, he found that indeed, the one they want to bring me does exactly what he wants. He wrote a new order so they can bring me their machine. That was three weeks ago. She said she would call them and get back to me.
When she called again, she said on February 26, my insurance company denied the new machine, saying I already had two machines, one from my current (and only) medical supplier, and one from another supplier. She asked me what other company I was dealing with.
I have only one sleep machine. It has the name of the supply company all over it. I told her that. I have never dealt with any other supplier. She said she was not happy they had not let her know right away about the problem and she would call back and talk to a supervisor to try and straighten things out. In the meantime, we changed my appointment to the end of March.
John has been helping me work things out with my new sleep mask. In some ways it is so much better than the other mask. It fits against my face softly and holds the air seal so much better at the high pressure I need. It has a big problem though. It has made a sore on the bridge of my nose. It is hard to understand why, because the part that fits against the nose is soft. I have to wear a band aid all the time because it looks bad. Last night he helped me adjust the bands that hold the mask on, so the mask does not pull so tight on my nose. It was much better. My nose did not throb and ache all night like it did previously. And the track marks were much less indented on my face in the morning. Tonight I will add a piece of gauze or moleskin between the mask and my nose band aid, to give it more of a cushion.
My next medical task is to schedule an appointment with the colonoscopy doctor. Because of all of the hassles I experience with each procedure I have to have done, I cannot face too many of the battles at once. I just get worn out - emotionally. Some days I ask myself is it worth it?
When I saw my dietitian she had raised my nutritional numbers saying 3+ pounds was too much to lose in a week. Since then, I just cannot seem to lose ANY pounds, the scale wants to move higher. I am trying to not let the scale dictate my feeling of success. I know in my mind I am doing the right things. I continue to work out at the gym, even when I am hurting and do not feel like it. I continue to eat right and keep track of my food intake, making sure I stay within my nutritional values. I am trying hard not to let the scale discourage me. I have come so far and I still have far to go.
SO that is the latest on my medical issues. Stay tuned for more adventures in dealing with my health.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Wonder of a Chicken Egg
Our church is experiencing The Truth Project put out by Focus on the Family. In the lesson this week I was wowed in awesome wonder at the intricate creativity of God.
Psalm 19 states, " 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
In Job 12 it continues, " 7 "But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish of the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?
10 In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind."
All of creation declares the work of the Creator. Just ask a chicken egg.
How many of us have ever really thought about or examined a chicken egg? Yet, by learning about it, we can see that it is not just a random evolution from some goo somewhere back in time.
The outer shell of the egg had ten thousand pores. I had no idea. These pores are for the developing chick, allowing it to breathe. If you doubt this, put a raw egg in water and watch the little bubbles. There is a membrane between the shell and the yolk/albumen. When you peel a hard boiled egg, you find this membrane. Two blood vessels attach from the developing chick to the membrane to breathe and expel carbon dioxide through the pores and two attach to the yolk to get nourishment.After 19 days the chick can no longer get enough oxygen through the pores. At one end of the membrane there is an air pocket (when you peel a hard boiled egg, recall the flat spot on one end). With an "egg" tooth, the chick pecks a hole through to that air pocket, giving it 6 more hours of air - just the right amount of time to peck through the shell and "hatch".
When you think about the intricacy of this, the exact amount of air, the development of blood vessels - the entire process - this is not random chance of evolution. A hen could never figure this out. It is the design of a divine creator.
Look at the peacock and that beautiful pattern on its feathers - look at nature all around - it all informs us of the glory of God.
I am glad to have learned from a chicken egg - are you?
Monday, March 2, 2009
I Thought I Was Losing It
Since last August I have been seeing a dietitian to help me learn how to eat healthy and to make sure I am getting enough of those key nutritional elements that I need when I eat. Consistently I have lost 1 to 2 pounds a week on this plan. It is the plan I intend to follow from now on in my life.
In January I joined the gym. Since the last week in January I have been part of one of their programs, "I Lost It At PEAC". We are divided into teams of four with a personal trainer as our coach. We get weighed in once a week as well as have a team meeting weekly. I had set as my personal goal to lose ten pounds during the two month program. In the first four weeks I lost 11 pounds. The only things I was now doing different, was exercising at the gym for 60 to 120 minutes a day, five to six days per week.
As part of the I Lost It program we also had to meet with a nutritionist once. She told me if I continued to lose 3 or more pounds a week, I am probably not eating enough. I kind of liked losing that much.
When I saw my regular dietitian on Friday, she confirmed that losing more than 3 pounds a week is too much for a couple of reasons. I could be losing muscle and it is better for keeping weight off to lose only 1-2 pounds per week. She increased all of my nutritional values to compensate for my exercise routine.
I usually go to the gym in the afternoon. When I get home, after my shower, I have my afternoon snack. From the time I eat that snack, until dinner, I am really hungry. She added all of the increase to the afternoon snack and dinner, hoping to keep me from feeling so hungry.
I have been following the new plan since Friday. Instead of seeing the scale go down, I am seeing it climb higher. I do not think that should be happening. I hope to get out from under the snowstorm we had today, to get to the gym tomorrow and check the scale there. If it gives me the same report, I am going to rethink adding to my eating plan. I have worked too hard at getting rid of those pounds to have to lose the same ones again.
I know I should not get so hung up on what the scale says. But it is the only tangible way I can determine if I am losing it or not.