Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Medical update

I am tired. I am not sleeping well. My new sleep machine is good, but the mask hurts my nose. I know you have heard that before.
Monday morning started with a visit to my primary doctor. Originally it was scheduled for a blood pressure check. Now I had a list of things to discuss.
When the nurse called me back and took me to the examining room, she kept staring at my nose. Finally she asked shat happened to it. she cringed when I told her. My blood pressure was 138/68. Top number a little high, bottom a little low.
The first thing the doctor asked was about my nose. He told me it was a pressure wound and probably infected. He insisted I stop using the mask because I was going to lose tissue if I continued. He also said I should go right to the sleep doctor (located at the other side of his building) and show them my nose and demand a new mask.
I asked about CT results and there was no change since the last one in October. I told him about the weight loss and change in eating habits and asked if we could talk about me getting off some of my medication - specifically niaspan (for high triglycerides) and some BP meds. HE sent me for blood work before he will consider it.
I have to go back in a week for him to check my nose. He gave me an oral antibiotic as well as a cream to put on the nose.
Next stop sleep doctor's office. When I got there, although the hours say M - F 9 - 5, the door was locked. As I got back into my car, another car was pulling in. The woman got out and went into the office. I gave her a couple of minutes to get settled and tried again.
As soon as she saw my nose, she asked what happened. When I explained it was from my sleep mask and what my doctor had said, she agreed. I asked he about the new mask that had been ordered last week. She checked my chart, found the order which had been faxed on March 16th, and said she would check on it. She wanted me to come back and see one of the doctors about my nose, but I saw no point in that. Just get me a mask I can use, because I know how potentially dangerous it is for me to sleep without the machine.
Before I got to my next stop, she called me back saying the mask would be fedexed to me today and I should have it by Tuesday or Wednesday. I was prematurely happy.
At about 4, she called back saying she cancelled the mask order because the doctor said it would not work for me and that I needed to come in to see one of the doctors the next day about a new mask. She kept talking about nasal pillows. I continued to tell her I breathe through my nose and need a full face mask. I do not think we ever had a meeting of the minds on that issue.
My Tuesday was already jammed full, but I finally arranged to go in at 4 to see one of the sleep doctors. She assured me she would make sure I did not have a long wait.
Monday night I did not sleep well without the machine. After I got up around 1:30 to make a pit stop, I did not sleep at all.
Tuesday first stop was the lab to have blood work, so I had no breakfast. I did start the laundry before I left home, though. From the lab, I went right to my chiropractor. He is always encouraging about my weight loss and healthy choices. After my regular adjustment, he worked on my lower back.
A quick stop home, to have some "brunch", switch the laundry and change clothes, then off to the gym. From the gym, a stop at the pharmacy to get the cream for my nose, which they did not have on Monday. Home for a laundry switch and clothes change, then to the sleep doctor.
I had to wait 30 minutes to see the doctor. I had not seen him before. He looked at my nose, said he had seen worse and it would heal. Then proceeded to show and fit me for a nasal mask. I kept insisting I breathe through my mouth, that I cannot breathe through my nose. He asked have I tried breathing through my nose and why can't I. I explained that between sinus problems and allergies, my nose is not clear enough to breathe through. After about ten minutes, and him putting the nasal mask on me and adjusting it, I finally got through to him that I needed a mask that also covers my mouth. He never heard of one that does not go over the nose and mouth together. When I described the one the machine technician told me about, he went and got his computer and googled it. When he saw that mask, he said, "Yeah, that will work," and wrote a prescription for it. I explained that a prescription had been written for it last week, and that the company was ready to send it out to me yesterday, but it was cancelled. He was surprised and asked why. I told him about the phone call from the woman at his office. I could see by his expression, he thought it was as ridiculous as I did.
In the meantime, while waiting for the new mask, he told me to use the nasal mask. I continued to ask how would it help, since I breathe through my mouth. He said at least I would be getting a flow of air through my nose. Although it made no sense to me, I was willing to give it a try.
On the way out, I gave the mask prescription to someone there to take care of ordering it. I am supposed to go back in a week for them to check my nose and see how I am doing with my new mask and machine. As far as I am concerned that visit was a waste of $40 and my time.
Last night I gave it a good try using that nasal mask. Yes, a lot of air flowed at my nasal passage, but it prevented me from breathing through my mouth, so I felt like I was suffocating. I tried three different times to use it, thinking I would get used to it somehow. I didn't. I gave up and slept without the machine. I did not sleep well, but I did get some sleep.
I will call them today and tell them it does not work for me and cancelling my appointment for next week. I will make another appointment when I get a mask I can actually use with this new machine.


Anonymous said...

WOW! What a time you are having. I am trying to catch up on everything. Hope that you soon get your new mask and that the sleep situation will be better for you. Also that the blood work comes back good and you can get off the medicine you want to.
Also hope that the nose is healing now with the ointment and cream you are using.

i am supergirl. said...

dang! i didn't realize someone could experience so much drama just from going to see a sleep dr!

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with getting the right mask. One thing for sure, you need a different one. I commend your determination to do what is best for your health. I continue to pray for you.