Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Change is not something that is easy for me. My hubby knows not to spring things on me, but to bring it up, give me a chance to think about it and then we can discuss it. Having said that, I was reflecting on the past 12 months and realising how many changes have happened in my life. All of them have taken time and effort. I thought I would share some of them with you, in no particular order.
1. I have to use a sleep machine with a full face mask to sleep (due to severe sleep apnea).
2. I no longer have hypoplasia (due to having a D&C and taking medication).
3. I have a lap again so my grandson can sit on it.
4. My back pain is no longer in my legs (due to physical therapy and exercise).
5. I can make dinner, staying on my feet for longer than 2 minutes without excruciating back pain.
6. I have lost over 70 pounds - my face and mid section are proof.
7. I joined a gym and exercise 6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day.
8. I began writing a blog.
9. I am seeing a dietitian who has helped me learn how to make healthy eating choices.
10. I have not had pneumonia or bronchitis this winter.
11. I have had more doctor appointments and medical tests than in the past.
12. I have dropped two clothes sizes.
13. When I had my Ct scan and mammogram, I was able to wear the "normal" size gown (instead of the "plus" size) and it wrapped around me and covered everything.
14. I have consistently lost weight every week during this past year.
15. I have encouraged others when I was in need of encouragement.
16. I joined Facebook.
17. The Spark People nutrition tracker has become a necessary tool in my life.
18. I have tried, even when the pain was great.
19. I have lived with constant pain and done so without moaning and complaining (most of the time).
20. I have made my health a high priority.

These are just some of the changes over the past year. More changes will have to be made. Perhaps listing them here and realising the benefits will make it easier for me to deal with change. Somehow I do not think so.

1 comment:

i am supergirl. said...

sometimes change can be a good thing :)