Friday, November 7, 2008

And the doctor says...

I just returned from the doctor, where I had to go for a lung and congestion check.
My BP was 156/68 - top number not too good.
The nurse came in before the doctor and asked me if I had an arm preference. I was confused and asked for what. She wanted to give me a flu shot, but I told her I already had one. She then realized she was in the wrong room. OOPS
The doctor listened to my chest and lungs. I am still wheezing and coughing. Whenever I do any activity at all I go into a coughing spasm. Just breathing in and out for him I went into a coughing spasm.
Now I am much improved since a week ago, but not completely better.
He says the infection is under control and to finish taking the antibiotic. He also told me instead of using the inhaler when I feel I need it, to use it regularly every four hours. He also gave me Advair again and told me I need to use it for the next month or two. What is still present in the inflammation of my bronchial tubes and breathing passages. The inhaler and Advair will give relief to that and help control the coughing.
In the meantime, nothing strenuous to trigger coughing. No crowds to keep from getting re-infected.
I asked if the medication is killing my appetite and he said it can. He wants to check me again in ten days.
Although I am improved, I still have a ways to go. I appreciate your continued prayers for my health.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. I thought from your earlier post that perhaps your recovery was more than what you described. Sounds like you have a ways to go and I continue to pray. It seems like you are keeping a positive attitude and that's important.

Anonymous said...

Good and bad. I'm glad things seem to be getting better overall for you. You're still in my prayers.

Anna (sp)