Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, MA

Today would have been my mother's 83rd birthday. She was born Georgie Belle Boyd to tenant farmers in middle Tennessee. GB was the fifth of eight children, having five sisters and two brothers. It was a very close family.She was the first in her family to finish high school.
During WWII the army trained in the fields near where she lived, because the terrain was similar to that of Germany. Her mother was always feeding the soldiers. GB caught the eye of one of those soldiers and they began a correspondence courtship as he was sent overseas to fight. Upon his return they were married. Her new husband was originally from Illinois, but his family now lived in NJ, so that is where they lived. But before leaving, GB's father made her new husband promise to bring her "home" at least once a year- A promise he kept faithfully.
At first they lived with her new inlaws. GB was extremely homesick, missing her parents and her siblings. When they discovered they were expecting their first child (me), they found a little home of their own. When the third child came along, they had to seek out a bigger place.
Soon there were five children in their family.
Every summer the family packed up the car and made the trip to Tennessee to visit GB's family. Those times were truly the happiest of my young life. We were loved and hugged enough to make up for all of the lonely months without those dear aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins. We all cried broken hearted tears every summer when it was time to say goodbye.
As GB's family grew older, she was able to become more active in her church. She began attending and then leading the prayer group. GB was a strong believer in the power of prayer and was truly a prayer warrior. Most of her time was spent reading her Bible and praying.
As she got older, arthritis made it difficult for her to do many things. She lived in a lot of pain. Most of the time, it was not mentioned.
When he two daughters got married, she was thrilled to finally have two precious granddaughters.
Their whole married life, her husband had the goal of moving to Tennessee, even if it had to wait until retirement. It turned out that was what happened. The minute he retired he began making plans for the move. GB was torn. Her children and new grandchildren were now in NJ. She hated the thought of leaving us behind. But off she went. Sadly two weeks later, her husband passed away suddenly and she returned to live out her days in NJ.
Her greatest joys were serving Jesus and spending time with her grandchildren, which now numbered 6.
I remember her passing with sadness, because she suffered a great deal. And although, she was ready to go, I was not ready to let her go.
So today, on her birthday, I say once again, I love you and miss you, Ma.


Anonymous said...

Ruthie: this was the most precious tribute I've heard or read in my life. It seem's no matter how long it's been the pain of missing them doesn't lessen. I will keep you in my prayers about your breathing condition. I pray the insurance company doesn't take too long to make a serious decision with your life. Thank you for sharing your life with me. Keeping you in my prayers. Carol H.

Unknown said...

It is with tears and joy I read about your comments about Ma. It's hard to believe she's been gone almost 8 years. I remember her NJ funeral and how much of a testimony it was. She did not have an easy life but her life truly shined for Jesus. Her memory, example and legacy of prayer warrior lives on in us.