Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Heart and Lungs

Christmas is almost here. This year the goose is not getting fat - I have lost 114 pounds so far.
I saw the cardiologist last week to find out results of all of my heart tests. I am not happy with that office. They refuse to call me Ruth, and insist on calling me Mary. Yes, Mary IS my first name. But I have NEVER been called Mary. When people refer to me as Mary, I do not know who they are talking about or to. When phone calls ask for Mary, I tell them she does not live here, because obviously the caller is someone who does not know me.
When the woman tried to call me in for my appointment with the doctor, she was calling "Mary", I did not answer. Finally I said do you mean Ruth? She said No, Mary. I replied I think you mean Ruth. She finally asked what is the last name, when I said Sullivan, she said right. I told her I do not go by Mary, but by Ruth. Her response was "Well, in this office you will go by Mary!" Not a good start.
When the doctor came in, he told me all of my tests came back normal. There were no incidents of rapid heart beats. The echo cardiogram showed a healthy heart, with no blockages. The nuclear stress test was normal. There is no reason for any treatment on his part, come back in a year. I asked, since all tests were normal, no incidents of rapid heart beat, since I have never experienced any symptoms, could I stop taking the Beta blocker. He was offended and became condescending. The bottom line is I must continue to take it, it is a small dose and it is preventative. I argued for several minutes, but he was insistent. He did say if when I see the arrhythmia doctor next week, if HE says I can discontinue it, he would be all right with that.
I left there with mixed feelings. I was happy the tests were all okay and that my heart seems to be in good shape. But I also felt some uncertainty, since he wants me to continue to take this medication.
When I discussed the particular Beta Blocker I am taking with my dietitian, she informed me because it slows down the heart rate and metabolism, it makes losing weight very difficult. Neither of us are happy about that.
Today I saw my primary care doctor. We discussed the results of the CT scan I had done of my chest back in November. The nodule in my lung is GONE!!!! Thank you Lord! And thank all of you for your prayers!
When I talked with him about the Beta Blocker, I asked since it is an additional blood pressure medication, if I could cut back the dosage on one of my other BP meds. He said yes! My BP has been good - today it was 120/60. I will see him in 8 weeks to check it again at the lower dosage.
SO that is the latest health update. I see the arrhythmia doctor next Monday. I am hoping he does not want to put me through another battery of tests.
I am in the process of trying to get all of my Christmas "stuff" finished. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friendly Packages

It is almost Christmas. When I was a child, it seemed like forever between Christmases. Now I feel like I blink and it is December again. It is the time of year we all do a lot of shopping.
Over the years I have evolved from catalog to online shopping. This means I have received a lot of packages. These packages have come via UPS, FedEx and USPS. As a result of the large number of packages, I have become familiar with the delivery guys.
One day the FedEX man, who had no package for me, stopped by the house. He had a killer headache and wondered if I could give him a glass of water and some tylenol. Since over the years he had made me very happy by the packages he had so promptly delivered, I was glad to oblige him. I did wonder why he chose me to ask. Then I figured maybe I am one of the few people actually home when he brings his packages.
But more recently, I became aware in an almost amusing way, how well those delivery guys know me.
I was on my way to the gym. I had turned the corner from my street on to the neighboring street. Halfway down this street, the FedEx truck was coming towards me. The driver beeped and waved. SO I waved. Then he stopped, and motioned to me. I pulled over. He had a package for me, which he delivered to my car, on a street that I do not live on. Not only does he recognize me, know what house I live in, he also knows my car (which is usually in the garage). Go figure.
In the past year, I have joined Facebook, a social networking site. Imagine my surprise when one of my UPS delivery men made a request to be my friend on Facebook! That is when I began to wonder, do I order too many packages?
Now to be fair, I must add that I found out the UPS guy goes to my church. That is actually the context in which he asked to be my Facebook friend. But when he told me how much he loves my house, and I knew he had never been there as a guest, it all came out that he delivers UPS packages to me on a regular basis.
So that is my story of friendly packages. Can you say that your packages are as friendly as mine?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Matters of the Heart

For those of you who are not followers of my blog, Recently I had another sleep test. During that test, I had one incident when my heart was beating fast for 33 beats. I was awake during the incident, but was not aware it was happening. My sleep doctor informed my primary doctor, who sent me to a cardiologist. When I met with the cardiologist, he set me up with a number of tests to see what is going on.
The first was bloodwork to check my ACE and magnesium levels. The scale for normal for ACE is 12 - 68, mine is 11. Magnesium range is 1.6-2.6, mine is 2.0.
He put me on a new medication which is a Beta blocker/ACE inhibitor. When I exercise, this keeps me from being able to get to my target heart rate anymore. I also do not understand since my ACE level is low, why I need a medication to inhibit it more.
The Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I had to go to the cardiologist's office to get hooked up to a heart monitor for 24 hours. I told the nurse that I have sensitive skin and adhesives do not stick well. She prepped the areas for the leads to be attached by rubbing the skin with sand paper to help them adhere better. By the time I got home. two of the leads had come off. After several phone calls, I was told to return to have them re-attached. She taped them on this time.
When I removed them the following morning, my skin was all red and itchy, and the areas were "gooey". A week later, the areas are still red.
Wednesday morning I was back for an echo cardiogram. I waited over 30 minutes past my appointment time to be called back. I had to remove my shirt and bra, and wear an open-fronted gown top. I was told to lay on my left side, facing away from the person doing the sonogram. Although he had to prod me all around the left breast area, it did not hurt. What was upsetting was after he had begun to do the echo cardiogram, another woman came into the room and asked was he almost finished. He said no, he had just started. She asked him to come with her and help her with her patient. He did not want to , but she kept pressing him until he left.
Now I was already nervous about having all of these tests on my heart. To have him leave in the middle of it, for several minutes, and hearing him in the next room performing the test on another patient was not helping my nerves. I was becoming a bit angry, thinking why is that patient more important than me? Then I decided to be thankful I had the more competent technician doing my test.
He returned and finished my test, apologizing for having to leave me.
Bright and early on Monday, I had the nuclear stress test. I had been given no instructions about my medications. Knowing the new prescription inhibited my heart rate, I opted not to take it before the test, but brought it with me, in case they wanted me to take it. I could not eat before the test, nor have any caffeine, decaf, or chocolate for 24 hours prior to the test. I had to drink plenty of water.
First a nurse looked over my forms and medication list. She told me it was okay for me to take the beta blocker after I went on the treadmill. She hooked me up so I could get the injection via IV during the testing. Then another nurse came in and gave me my first injection of nuclear stuff. They told me it is like having a CT scan. But I can honestly say, I felt nothing throughout the testing, from either injection.
Next I had to go to the waiting area, drink 4 small glasses of water and eat a package of graham crackers. IN about 30 minutes I was taken back to a dark room, had to lie on a narrow machine, and had pictures of my heart taken. I had to lie still with my hands over my head for ten minutes.
Then back to the waiting room for another half an hour.
The treadmill was next. A nurse practitioner cardiologist began the hookup and looked over my chart. IN passing she commented that I had a sonogram of my heart and "it looked good". I know she was not giving me results, but I was happy to hear that. I asked her what was the target heart rate she was aiming for me. She said for my age 136 is 85% and that would be the minimum needed to conduct the test. Maximum is 160.
After the nurse finished hooking me up, and taking my blood pressure, I stepped onto the treadmill. There was a beautiful autumn scene on the wall in front of it. It looked like the canal path behind my house.
As I started walking, they asked what levels I usually walk on the treadmill. I told them the fastest I have gone is 3.6 and the highest incline is 6. They told me they start me out at incline of 10. Every three minutes the treadmill increases speed and incline a little more. As I was walking, they told me it was a good thing I had not taken the beta blocker or they do not know how high they would have had to make me go to get to the target heart rate. Every two or three minutes, they checked my blood pressure, which was steadily increasing. They told me not to get upset by how high it was, as exercise always does that.
The nurse practitioner kept her eyes on the electrocardiogram and the nurse kept checking the BP. They were constantly asking how I felt. When the target heart rate was reached (145), the second nurse came in and gave me another injection. I had to walk one more minute with the nuclear stuff in me.
When I came off the treadmill, they kept checking my BP until it was back to normal - which was quickly. They said it is a sign that I am fit because my heart recovered quickly. She also told me I had no incidents of racing heart during the test.
I was sent back to the waiting room and told to drink a small can of apple juice and eat a nutrigrain bar. After about 45 minutes, I returned to the dark room for one last set of pictures of my heart. The entire process took about two and a half hours.
At no time did I experience any discomfort. The treadmill workout was more strenuous than I usually do at the gym, in that because of my back, I do not set the incline that high. But I had no trouble completing the test. I was sweating and winded, but that happens every time I go to the gym.
Now the waiting begins. I do not see the cardiologist again until Dec 15th to find out results. Then I see the arrhythmia specialist at the end of the month.
Thank you to all who have been praying. I have been upset and nervous about having these tests. I have wanted so bad to turn to food for that comfort as I was not finding it elsewhere. I continued to seek God and He has sustained me and kept me from overeating.
Please continue to pray for me as I await results.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby, Baby, Can You Feel My Heartbeat?

Tuesday I saw the cardiologist for the first time. I admit, I felt nervous, wondering what he would find.
I had filled out all of the paperwork I was sent. I brought copies of the sleep test EKG, recent blood work and list of my medications and supplements.
First stop was in a room with a nurse. She filled out some information on the computer, then hooked me up to do an EKG. It surprised me how quickly it was done. When she left, she said the doctor would be in. My usual experience is that it is at least 15 minutes or more before the doctor shows up, so I came prepared with my ipod. I had barely got the earphones in, when the doctor came in.
He asked me what medical issues I have, asked about family history of heart problems/disease, and how do I feel in general. He looked over a thick file my primary doctor had sent to him, especially wanting to know about my granumolotus (SP?) disease - he asked several times during the appointment if I have (Or had) diabetes or tuberculosis, of if I have ever smoked. He went over the EKG and told me that I had 33 heartbeats that were too fast. He said because of that he wants me to see a heart specialist - an arrhythmia doctor.
He said although I do not have a lot of risk factors for heart disease, the ones I have are big ones - good cholesterol too low, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and granumolotus disease.
He asked if I could walk on a treadmill for a stress test. I assured him, as long as I can hold on, I walk on a treadmill at least five times a week.
He said there could be many causes of the heart issue of not beating properly. With granulomotus, the growths from the scarring which I have on other organs could also be found in my heart. With sleep apnea, the stopping breathing can cause heart rate difficulties.
I asked him what about me continuing to exercise. He said I could walk. I told him I cannot walk far because of my back. He then conceded that I could go on the treadmill to walk, but no faster than 3 miles per hour. But I can do nothing to stress my heart until we get the results of all of my tests.
After he was finished, he showed me to the desk of a scheduling person. I met with her for about 20 minutes to set up all of the tests. I was confused because he instead of a treadmill stress test, he ordered a nuclear stress test for me, which takes 3 or 4 hours. I have to have an echo cardiogram of my heart to see if it is healthy. I have to wear a heart monitor for a 24 hour period. I have to see him again after all of the tests and she also made my appointment with the heart specialist for the end of December. IN addition, he prescribed a beta blocker for me to take to slow my heart down. ( I was not aware it was too fast). Finally he sent me for (more) blood work, to see my magnesium level and do and ACE panel. My arm is still bruised from when I had blood drawn last Thursday, but at least she knew what spot she could find a vein.
When I went to the appointment, I was not feeling too bad. After hearing all of the possibilities, scheduling all the tests, having to see a specialist, getting an additional medication (I have been hoping to get off some of my meds, not add more) and being told to cut back on my exercise, I am extremely nervous.
I know I need to be careful until all the information is in, but I have been exercising for many months now. I am not willing to back off and lose all of the good I have gained. I am going to continue doing what I have been doing at the gym, just not as much or as intense.
I took the beta blocker this morning. I do not know if it was the effect of that, but I noticed at the gym while walking on the treadmill, I could not get my heart rate up like I usually do - and it took a lot longer for it to increase. I also noticed it kept at a steady rate for longer periods, instead of hopping around like it does sometimes. (I wear a heart rate monitor when I go to the gym every time - I do not rely on the machines to monitor my rate)
I thank you for your prayers and ask that you continue to pray and believe with me. My tests should be completed by the end of November and I see the regular cardiologist the second week in December to discuss results.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Good News (for a change)

I saw the sleep/pulmonary doctor yesterday. The purpose of the appointment was to go over test results. Again, she spent a lot of time with me - over 30 minutes.
First she went over in great detail the results of the breathing test. As she was showing me the numbers, she wondered aloud why she has wanted me to have this done. I reminded her about the two CT scans of my chest. She turned to the reports and reviewed them affirming that is indeed what prompted her to ask me to have this test.
The results of my breathing (pulmonary function) were all great. My lungs are functioning excellently. On one of the tests that determines the function of the smallest tubes in the lungs, the result was 85. They repeated this after having me inhale some medication. Now 85 is an excellent reading of functionality. After inhaling the medication, it increased to 98. Also excellent. She said it shows there may be congestion in the airway, but that it did not impair breathing or function.
Her conclusion was that if at some point I require surgery to remove the nodule in my lung, the lungs are healthy and functioning perfectly to withstand surgery.
Next we looked at the results of my sleep test. Again, she showed me the graphs and numbers and explained it all in great detail. I wonder if she is this thorough with all of her patients. I wonder if this approach is because she is part of a teaching hospital. Or perhaps it is just because I am such an excellent complier using my machine 100% of the time that she is so thorough.
During the period I slept without the machine, I did not not ever get into deep sleep. I had about 24 apneas per hour. My oxygen level never dropped below 88%, but did hover there while I had no machine. This is a huge difference from my original test, where I stopped breathing 100 times per hour and my oxygen levels dropped to the heart attack zone.
For the portion of the night where I slept with the machine, I also had about 25 apneas per hour. I did get into the deep sleep three times, twice on my side and once on my back. My apneas were no more frequent on my back than on my side ( this is a positive). They kept me at a steady pressure of 8, with no exhale help, the entire time. My oxygen levels stayed high.
Her conclusion is that I have a mild case of sleep apnea now. Although she does not guarantee losing additional weight will completely cure it, she says there are skinny people who have sleep apnea too, she thinks my chances are good, in the amount of improvement I have shown so far.
Another issue was I had a certain amount of leg movement, which cased me to wake up. She said it is not a lot, and could be caused by low iron, low B12, so she sent me for blood work to check my levels.
There was a lab in the next building, so I went right from her office to have the blood drawn.
Unfortunately, she did not have the results of the CT scan of my chest which was done on Monday. She said if I do not hear from her by the middle of next week to call the office so they can follow up on getting the results.
All in all I felt happy with this appointment. The news was all good for a change. The health issues discussed were all improving, which is one of my main goals on this healthy lifestyle journey I am on. As long as I can see some light at the end of this long tunnel, I can continue on with determination. Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Breathing and My Name

This week has not been a good one. My dietitian left the area, I found out I may have a heart problem, I lost no weight and John was extremely busy, and not available. With all that was going on, I wanted to fall into my old bad patterns and turn to food for comfort and security. I thought I had overcome that issue, but apparently not. Because I plan all of my meals and snacks the day before, I was able to stop myself from giving in to that kind of eating. But it was a struggle. It was on my mind.
Thursday I had to go for a breathing test, or Pulmonary Function Test. Of course there is paperwork to fill out first. The woman registering me asked for my driver's license as ID. There are two problems with my driver's license: First, I have lost over 100 pounds since the picture was taken, so it does not look that much like me; second, in NJ, Motor Vehicles will only put your first name on the license with a middle initial. Those of you who know me, realize I have always been called by my middle name. All of my official documents, my checks, my accounts etc either have Ruth or M Ruth. Our medical insurance just has Ruth. When I made the appointment it was as Ruth, no mention of an initial or first name. After I was registered, she put a wrist ID band on me for the test. From there, I went into the ladies room, where I noticed the name on the wrist band was Mary. I returned to her and told her if she wanted the insurance to cover the test, she needed to put it in as Ruth, not Mary. But, but, but she tried to say. I told her do what she wants but my insurance does not recognize me as Mary. (and neither do I).
When I got called in for the test, the respiratory technician, of course had more paperwork to be filled out. When she tried to pull up my file on the computer, she could not find it. Of course, not, she was looking for Mary. I told her to try my actual name, Ruth. She said she could only go by what the woman had registered me as. I told her that she would not find it under Mary. Somehow she managed to pull up Ruth, and she wrote on the file Mary Ruth. She advised me to change my name officially to Ruth Mary. It would make things easier.
I did the test - breathing a lot of different ways, inhaling some medicine, and breathing some more. I will find out next week, when I see the sleep/pulmonary doctor, the results.
Friday I picked up the heart reading from the doctor to take with me to the cardiologist.
Next I went to CVS and got a flu shot (my doctor has been all out of it). Then I wanted to go to the radiologist, as it is a new one for me, and make the appointment for a CT scan of my chest. My doctor's office had called me with the number I thought I needed as approval from my insurance company. But I found out it was just a reference number and I had to call the company for the approval number. But, at least I found out exactly where I have to go to have it done.
When I got home, I called the insurance, and the person I spoke to was extremely helpful (for a nice change). At the end of the conversation, she even connected me to the facility so I could make the appointment. I will be having the CT scan on Monday morning. Hopefully the results will be available in time for my appointment withe the doctor on Thursday morning.
In the afternoon , I went to the gym and also worked with my trainer for half an hour.
Last night I felt awful. I ached all over, my eyes hurt and my stomach hurt. I never sleep well and I was exhausted. Even so, I did not sleep well again last night. I wonder if the flu shot was making me feel sick.
SO that is the latest. I'll update after I have some more information to report.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Medical Update

After the sleep test last week I was feeling pretty good. I was encouraged that finally, after all of this hard work, eating healthy and exercising, having lost over 100 pounds, I was seeing some positive benefit. My sleep apnea was less severe.
Now two things have happened to discourage me again.
First my dietitian has decided to change jobs. I do not blame her. The company she works for is not good with either client or employee relations. If it had not been for her, I would have given up on them a long time ago. SO I am happy for her, but sad for me. She has been my rock in my healthy eating/weight loss battle. I had to say goodbye to her today for our last appointment. I would like to think we could stay in contact. She would like to think she can continue to support me. But I realize how life gets busy and time gets out of control. SO now I have to figure out what I am going to do about finding a new dietitian. I do not like the thought of starting over from scratch. Having to catch someone up on all I have been through and tried. All of the frustrations and victories. I feel like I have a team of people who have been helping me with all of my medical issues and now thee is a hole in that team.
Monday I saw my primary doctor. We went over the information from the sleep doctor. She wants me to have another CT scan of my chest. We got that approval process in the works. We talked about my blood pressure and he agreed for me to go off of my water pill for two months to see how I do. Part of this decision is to see if I will not wake up so often at night and thus sleep better.
Yesterday when I returned from the gym, I had two messages on my phone from the sleep doctor saying she needed to speak to me and call her right away. I left a message and she called back within a few minutes.
During my sleep test last week a heart issue surfaced that was totally unrelated to the sleep apnea. It happened only once during the night and it occurred during a time I was awake. I was not having an apnea. My heart started to race at 130 beats per minute and it was triggered in an area of the heart that was not usual. She said I needed to see a cardiologist, that she would fax the information to my primary doctor and I should get the name of a doctor from him. I asked if there was any concern about my continuing to exercise. She said she had no idea.
Since it was already late in the day, I figured I would give my primary doctor a chance to get and read the information from her, and be in touch with him on Wednesday.
This morning I had my appointment with the dietitian, said a sad goodbye and lost no weight. Then I went to the grocery store. After lunch, the doctor called me, saving me the trouble. He told me about the report from the sleep doctor. He feels looking at the "strip" it was just a one time incident and nothing to worry about. But he said it is better to get it checked by a cardiologist to make sure. He referred to it as possible "vtach". He gave me the name of a group of doctors.
I called and have an appointment on November 10th. My primary doctor said I should continue to exercise and do what I normally do.
Please continue to pray for me. At first I felt disappointed that here is yet another medical issue popping up after I am doing so much to regain my health. But I had to remind myself of all of the years I was not making healthy choices and there will be consequences for that. I do not feel worried, but have the peace of God, knowing it is all in His hands. And really it is a blessing I had the sleep test and this showed up, so I can get it checked out before it presents a bigger problem.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sleep Test #4

Last night I had my fourth sleep test. This one was done at a different hospital than the first three. Having had the previous tests, I pretty much knew what to expect.
When I arrived, I was shown to my room. Of course there was paperwork to fill out. I changed into my jammies and read a bit, while they "hooked up" another patient.
This is a teaching hospital so there was a trainee observing my "hookup". Wires were attached to m y head, my legs, my chin, my side, - well, you get the idea. I had a band around my chest and one around my waist. These were attached to heart monitors - EKGs. I had an oxygen reader on my finger and tubes attached to my nose. I guess I looked like something from outer space with all of the wires and tubes.
The hookup takes about 45 minutes.
Before the testing can begin, I have to lay still for five minutes, so they can get "calibrations". After the five minutes are up, they ask me to look left and right, up and down, only moving my eyes; to make a snoring sound, to hum, to blink, to close my eyes, to breathe through my nose, to breathe through my mouth and to move my legs.
During the first part of the test, I had to try and sleep without a machine. I had difficulty getting to sleep. IN addition, some of the wires on my chin were coming loose and the technician had to come in twice to re-attach them.
Of course at some point, I had to make a pit stop. When she came to unhook me for that, she told me to put my sleep mask on, she was going to put me on a regular sleep machine to see how I would do.
Once we got going with that, she realized one of my leg wires was no longer attached and had to come back to fix that. I finally did get some sleep, but woke up several times.
She saw I was awake at 6:45 and told me to do all of those eye, breathing and leg things again, then told me to remove my mask. In a few minutes, she came in and unhooked me.
She said she'd check my sleep machine while I got dressed to leave.
Although she is not a doctor, she did tell me a couple of things.
During my original sleep test in February, 2008, my oxygen levels dropped into the dangerous zone, 50% or less. Last night, even without the machine, my levels did not drop below 88%, which is not bad.
Without the machine, I only had 9 episodes of apnea.
During my first test I had over 600 in 6 hours.
My sleep machine is set at pressure 18 (inhale) / 12 (exhale).
Last night I did not use the type of machine I have. I used only a regular sleep machine and the pressure was 8 (inhale). I did not require help with exhale.
Her conclusion is that I have only mild sleep apnea now. She is sure that as I continue to lose weight I will be complete apnea free and not have to use a machine! Again, she is not a doctor, but I liked her positive attitude!
When she checked my machine, she said it shows that it is giving me a pressure of 8, which affirms what she found in the test last night. She also said my mask is working perfectly and not leaking air at all, even while I am asleep.
I am encouraged by this news. I will see the doctor in two weeks to find out what her recommendations are. But what great news to go from severe sleep apnea, the worst case my previous doctor had ever treated, to mild sleep apnea is awesome! Thanks to all of you who prayed!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Sleep Doctor

For the past several months I have been looking for a new sleep doctor. If you have followed this blog, you know I was having many issues with the former doctor. I was looking for a couple of things in the new doctor. First I wanted a sleep/pulmonary doctor, who could also deal with my breathing-lung problems as evidenced in the CT scans I had done. I also wanted someone who could read the Smart Card in my sleep machine. this was the most difficult of the list to fulfill. In addition, of course, I needed a doctor who took my insurance.
I am happy to say I finally found such a doctor, (thanks to the help of Audrey). I had my first appointment yesterday. I went armed with my Smart Card, reports from my xrays and CT scans, copies of my blood work and information about my medical supplier.
The receptionist took my Smart Card and downloaded the information. She came back and told me I win the prize for the best report they have ever seen. She said my line was all green and green is good. (Later when the doctor showed me the report, green means I use the machine every night).
I had more paperwork to fill out, besides what I had already received in the mail and brought with me.
First I had to watch a short video of the doctor explaining what sleep apnea is. At first I thought this would be nothing I needed, but it was very informative and explained sleep apnea very clearly. I have to admit, after seeing it, I really did not understand it previously.
I was disappointed when the doctor came in, that she was not the doctor who I thought I was going to see. But this doctor was very nice, and very thorough. She questioned me in great detail. She answered all of my questions. She was knowledgeable.
When she took my blood pressure, it was 124/58 and she asked was the bottom number always so low. After about 40 minutes with me, she told me that I was to watch another video and she was going to consult with another doctor about my pulmonary issues and then return to discuss the plan of treatment.
The second video concerned treatment options for sleep apnea.I thought it was interesting that her first option was weight loss. She said, if this will not work for you, then there is surgery, which has a 50% success rate for curing sleep apnea, or using the machine, which has a 100% correction rate.
After the video, the doctor who I thought I was going to see in the first place returned with the other doctor. They spent another 40 minutes with me, discussing my case.
My first question was since seeing the video, I wondered having lost over 100 pounds already, did she foresee a point when I would have less severe sleep apnea or even not have it at all anymore.
She replied that she wants me to have another sleep test - this time a split night test. For the first part of the night I will sleep without a machine to see if I still need a machine. If I am still having apnea episodes, they will put me on the machine and monitor pressures to see if I can reduce the high pressures I am currently using. That will take place on October 20.
Another concern this will address, is the fact that it takes me so long to get to sleep, and once I wake up during the night, it takes me so long to get back to sleep. She thinks the pressure may be contributing to that.
She is reporting to my primary doctor that she would like another CT scan (he has to order that) to see if there have been additional changes to my lungs.
IN addition, I am having a series of breathing tests done on October 29th, to determine lung function and breathing capacity. My oxygen level yesterday was 96%, which she said at my age is good.
I will see her again in three weeks to go over all the results and hear her treatment plans.
I felt good about this visit. I felt like my concerns were heard. I felt like my needs were addressed. With this doctor, I am a more informed patient and can ask better questions. They gave me a lot of information I never had in the past.
Please continue to pray for me as I have these tests to give the doctors wisdom in making right choices for my treatment.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The BIg Sixty

It has been a while since I blogged here. First let me say I had a birthday since then. I am now 60 years old. I am thankful to be able to say, I am healthier at 60 than I was at 50.
I realized this year that John and I have become the older generation our family. With the passing of his Dad in January, it became official. Then this summer one of my cousin's husband passed away and I felt it again.
I have lost 105 pounds. I was feeling discouraged because I had been losing so well, then last April it seemed to come to a halt. My dietitian tried switching a variety of things, each of which worked for two weeks, then nothing. Since the beginning of April (5 months) I have lost 21 pounds. My goal was to reach the 100 pound mark by my birthday and I am happy that I accomplished it.
Reaching that milestone was a lot of hard work and I was disappointed I did not see progress in other areas. I am still on all of my meds, my back still hurt and the sleep apnea is still going on.
Then the weekend before my birthday we went to Regent University in Virginia Beach. We go every year. Last year when we went, I could not walk very far without having to stop to sit and rest my aching back. This year, I saw a dramatic improvement. I was able to walk everywhere without having to stop without terrible pain. For me to see that contrast from last year was so encouraging.
Last time when I saw my chiropractor he treated me in an entirely new way than he had ever done before, concentrating on my lower back. I believe this is what finally made the difference. Yes, all of what I have been doing is helping, but that is like the final push I needed to see improvement. He says we will continue that line of treatment.
I am still going to the gym five days a week. I work with a personal trainer twice a week. On the day I work with her alone, we concentrate on my back, abs and core. The day I work with her with a friend we do arms and legs mostly.
I saw my primary doctor this week and my blood pressure was 124/68 - the lowest it has been in years. I am hoping if it is low again when I see him in December he will let me decrease some of my BP medications.
I have finally found a new sleep doctor. I see her on October 8th for the first time. She can read the Smart Card in my sleep machine, which is one thing I was looking for in a sleep doctor. I am hoping she will work out for me. I am still having trouble sleeping, even with the machine. I get up once or twice a night for a pit stop and have trouble getting back to sleep - sometimes for hours.
I think that about catches things up with me and my health.
My precious grandson had his 6th birthday and is now in first grade. We saw him open his gifts and took his family to dinner. Guess where he wanted to eat? The Sushi place!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Facebook: The Good, The Bad and The Confusing

I have joined the Facebook generation.  Several months ago I was talked into joining.  I signed up, added a profile and pictures, joined a few networks and found some friends.  I learned how to update my status.  
Now that I have been using it for a while I have formed some opinions about Facebook.  There are things I like, things I do not like and things that are confusing.  
First let me remind everyone, I use a MAC computer.  When I first joined FB, people started asking me to add applications.  At first when I tried, some of them just did not work with my MAC.  That was confusing.  I made a decision after a few of those, I would not be adding any applications to my FB.  I still get dozens of requests a day.  I hit the ignore button.  I did not join FB to play games, take quizzes, to farm, to make a zoo, to hunt for eggs, or to see what Michael Jackson song I am most like.
I quickly realised that I enjoyed reading and commenting on the friends' updates.  I take the time to read what is going on with my friends and either let them know I like it, or leave a comment.  
There are a couple of bad things about this, though.  Now the updates include all of the polls, quizzes, farms, hunts, mafia wars, games etc that they all participate in.  This, to me, clogs up the new feed.  I do not really care about those things. Give me back just the updates, please.
In addition to that, I am disappointed that most of the time, my updates are not reacted to.  Along that same line, I leave a comment on a friend's wall and get no response.  I guess what bugs me the most is all of the friends who want such big followings, yet could care less about their followers.  I wrote a blog about three such friends ( a very nice blog, I might add) and let them each know.  They did not even bother to either check it out or respond in any way. I used to leave comments on their updates, but I have decided no to do that anymore.  
I realize that if you have thousands of followers you cannot comment on every one, but how about every once in a while pick a few to bless with your words?  One time Don Moen responded to me personally and it meant the world to me.  SO my advice is, if you want people to leave comments on yours, do the same for them.
I really like the surprises from FB.  I have received friend requests from old friends I have not seen in years, and from friends around the country, as well as new friends with common interests.  It is fun to be able to connect with these people more regularly.
I enjoy catching up with friends through the photos they post on FB.  Seeing how their families have grown and changed is fun.
So I guess overall, I like FB and what it offers - but I admit I know nothing about Twittering.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Halfway There

I rarely watch the Superbowl, but I do often watch the halftime show.  I am always amazed at what a big deal they make at halftime.
Well, here I am at the halfway point in my weight loss, lifestyle journey.  And I guess I was expecting more.
Since last August I have been using www.sparkpeople.com to help me on this journey.  One thing it encourages is to set goals, especially short term goals along the way.  I have not been good at doing this.  I think I have done myself a disservice by not having set some achievable goals to look back on and document what I have accomplished so far.
Now I have reached the halfway point and I am feeling disappointed.  The reasons for my disappointment are many.
For one thing, I am looking at my long term goals and not seeing as much progress as I would like to see by this point.  I want to get off some of my medications, specifically some of my blood pressure medicines and the Niaspan (for too low of good cholesterol).  Yet when I see my doctor, my BP, though lower than it has been, is still too high to consider taking away any medications.
I am told that weight loss should improve my sleep apnea, and eventually cure it.  I see no progress in that either - it is still just as bad as when I was first tested.
My most important goal is to have no back pain, to be able to walk and stand without excruciating pain.  Although I can walk a little further and stand a bit longer, I was hoping having lost this much weight I would see a lot more progress and a lot less pain.  But it is not the case.
I am further disappointed because since the end of March, I have only lost 10 pounds, and five of those was in a two week period a month ago.  I continue to stay within my calorie and nutritional ranges.  I am working harder than ever at the gym.  I see a personal trainer twice a week, once with a friend and once alone, to work on my back and abs.  
My dietitian has tried everything she knows to get me losing again and nothing is helping.  The latest plan is to skip the gym twice a week.  
John and I had plans to go away this coming week, but I just did not feel like it.  Having to eat out every meal, not knowing how I would get exercise in, and not losing weight for so long, I just could not face it.
Part of the disappointment is because knowing I have as much to lose as I have already lost, and coming to a standstill is confusing and frustrating, as well as scary.  I have been working so hard and getting nowhere - what is it going to take to lose the rest of this weight?
Everyone has their own ideas about what it will take - eat more, eat less, exercise more, exercise less, more carbs, less carbs, more fat, less fat - but what will it mean for me?
In my mind, I know I have done a good job so far.  I am wearing smaller sized clothes, I am more active, I can breathe better, I have a lap, I can play with Zack better, I am eating healthier.  My dietitian pointed out that I have added years to my life.  All of that is positive and wonderful.  Unfortunately I cannot get past the slow progress on my long term goals.  I am hoping once I get losing again, I will be able to get past this.
When I lose 3 1/2 more pounds I will be at the 100 pounds lost point.  I had set a goal to lose this by my birthday, 2009.  Since that is a little less than 2 months away, I sure hope I can make it.  
My plan is to keep on doing what I am doing, to make short term goals to celebrate along the way, to continue to work on my long term goals and to not give up the fight!  Can I do it?  Can I make it to the goal?  YES I CAN!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

The past couple of weeks have been kind of a roller coaster.  Where do I begin?  
My hubby John was away for 11 days on a mission trip to the Galapagos Islands, 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador.  After 35 years, I am kind of used to having him around, so it was lonely without him.
Fortunately, 4th of July happened while he was gone and family and friends gathered here to celebrate Titusville's small town festivities.  Everyone pitched in - most especially my son Mike - and made it an enjoyable day for me.  I also met my son John's girlfriend for the first time (I had already met Mike's).  The only downside is my brother had an accident on the way home.  His car was damaged but he and his wife are okay - Praise the Lord.
Monday night I went out for dinner with my friend Barb and Tuesday I had a special treat.  I met my childhood best friend, Rose, for lunch.  We had not seen each other to visit in over a year so the conversation never stopped.  The time flew by way too quickly.
Tuesday night and Friday afternoon I worked with a personal trainer at the gym.  Wednesday night I went shopping with Barb and was happy to get some sale items in a smaller size than previously.
Friday morning I had an appointment with my dietitian.  Honestly, after the last visit, I was not looking forward to it.  Since March of 2008, I have been losing weigh consistently until the end of March 2009.  For some unknown reason, my body started holding on to the pounds, instead of letting them go.  I was exercising more than ever, eating all the right amounts, but making no progress.  And I was feeling discouraged enough.  Then at the previous dietitian appointment at weigh in I GAINED a pound.  I know it does not sound like much.  I know I have lost 90 pounds and should not be concerned about 1 pound gain.  But this had been going on for over three months now.  Working this hard and making no progress.  I record every bite of food that goes into my mouth.  I exercise a minimum of 500 calories per day, at least 6 days a week.  And to gain a pound put me over the edge.
At that visit the dietitian changed my eating plan to zig zag the calories - so the average calorie intake for the week remains the same, but the daily intake varies up and down.
SO here I am having to face the scale again, after the gain.  
The other disappointing thing to me was that I had been hoping to reach the halfway point in my weight loss, and instead I was a pound further from it.
When I stepped on the scale I had lost 5 pounds in two weeks.  I reached the halfway point!  WOOHOO!  (In my next blog maybe I will share some of my thoughts about reaching that milestone).
To continue on with my two weeks.  On July 10th, my cousin Judy's husband passed away at age 68.  It hit me hard because Don is from my generation, not my parents'.
Then I got news my Aunt Evelyn had been taken to the hospital, was in a coma and not expected to live.  I began to pray for her and the family.  And God did a miracle.  The doctors performed surgery to ease the pressure on her brain as well as tying off the leaking artery.  She is now awake and walking around.  Praise God.
Also John returned from his mission trip at the beginning of this week and has been dealing with an intestinal issue.  
SO the time has had its ups and downs.  I can thank God for His many blessings.  Next time - Halfway There.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Lost All Of My Groceries

(I posted this on Spark People but I wanted to share it with my other friends too)
For 30 years I did the grocery store routine every week or so. Then about 5 years ago my lower back began to hurt when i walked. My husband had to start coming with me to help me make it through the shopping trip. Finally it got so bad, I just could not go to the store any
Thankfully, I found PEAPOD on line. I could order all of my groceries on the computer and have them delivered to my house. All I had to do was unpack them
 and put them away. Still painful but not as much. 
I am thrilled to report that in the past few months, due to all I have accomplished here on SP (eating healthy, exercising and losing weight), I can now go to the grocery store again
. As long as I have the cart to lean on, I can make it through the store and checkout, and get the groceries into the car. When I get home, most of the time there is someone here to help carry them into the house. 
Last week, my husband was the one who helped me. But I noticed before he brought the bags into the kitchen, he first carried them upstairs. I wondered if this was a new exercise routine he was trying out. When all of the groceries were in the house, I asked him why did he have to carry the bags upstairs first.
This is what he told me, " I thought when I picked up th
e bags, how heavy they felt and I wondered how much all of the groceries you bought weighed. SO I took them upstairs and weighed them. " All of the bags totaled just over 90 pounds. He continued, "SO look at all of these bags of groceries and you will see how much weight you have lost so far." WOW! That was a lot of groceries. I used to carry all of that around with me every day. I could not even carry two of those bags let alone all of them at the same time. 
It gave me a real picture of what my weight loss has been so far. When I think that I used to carry all of that around it amazes me. 
Lately I have felt a bit discouraged because the weight has not been coming off as much as I would like it to, but when I think about losing all of my groceries in weight, I realize how much I have accomplished so far. Yes, I have to lose that many groceries still to get to my goal, but I am proud to say, I have lost all of my groceries! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Unexpected Blessing

I joined the gym at the beginning of this year. It is something I never thought I would be able to do, due to my back problems. I go there 6 days a week.
Although I am very limited in what I can do, I work hard at those things I can do.
Today when I got there, I started by trying to walk the track. After 2 sets of 2 laps I had to stop because my back hurt so badly. I went right to the seated back extension machine to try and get some relief.
At 3 I was scheduled for a half hour with my personal trainer, so I had an hour to do cardio before that. Since my back was in pain, I decided the recumbent bike would be the best option. I set it for 40 minutes and off I went. While riding, I looked around.
Although I have been going to the gym for over 5 months, I really do not know anyone there. I spend my time alone, talking to no one.
Today as I was riding, I noticed a man I see there a lot. Every time I see him he is with one of three of four women. Today was no different. I began thinking how lonely it is for me at the gym. I was wishing my hubby could come with me sometime.
When I finished my cardio, I sat and cooled down for a few minutes before my training session. I saw my trainer finishing up with her client. After they were through, the woman she had been training, who I did not know, walked right over to me. She smiled and said, "I just want you to know what a great job you are doing." I must have looked confused because she continued, "I walk in the back and notice how hard you work and the commitment you have. You are really doing well." WOW! What a nice surprise.
Of course, I thanked her for her encouragement, explaining about my limitations. She said we all need encouragement, don't we?
That lonely feeling was gone for those few minutes we spoke. I do not even know her name. I just know she took the time to speak to a stranger and made my day!
I once read a book about God Smiles - little ways God shows us He is smiling at us. This was a God Smile for me. I hope I see that kind woman again and find out her name.
Thank you, Lord, for smiling at me today through her.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Presence, Joy and Heart

This past weekend my hubby took me to the Great Smoky Mountains. But that is not what this blog is about. I only mention it because it was the drive home that inspired this blog.
During the twelve plus hour drive ho
me, we were listening to one of my IPOD playlists. It was a mixed bag of songs of many genres and artists. The majority of songs were by Don Moen (no surprise, huh?) and Regi Stone. There were also several by Geron Davis.
Anyone wh
o knows me well, is aware that these are three of my favorite worship leaders/songwriters. Just listening to their music is ultimate worship for me.
During the drive I came to realize each of them has a different aspect of worship in their sty
le, yet each ministers powerfully creating an atmosphere of worship.
Geron Davis,
who is probably best know for writing "Holy Ground" when he was 18 years old, focuses on the joy of worship. Many of his songs are upbeat, yet speak powerful messages about Who God is and how powerful He is. "My heart is burning, my spirit's yearning to worship You and Your Holy Name"; "In all things, Jesus, You are King"; "Evermore, I will love You, Evermore I will Praise You, Evermore I will glorify the name of the Lord". These are just a few of his worship songs. All bring us into the joy of the Lord.
Regi Stone may be the least well known of the three. He is wor
ship leader at Christ Church Nashville. His music reflects his commitment to worship and focuses on the Heart of worship. It is all about surrendering our hearts completely and opening our hearts for the Lord to minister. "How Can I tell You How Much I love you? " O that I may know You, O that I may worship, O that I may bow down at Your feet"; "We love You, Lord, We love YOu, Jesus, For Your arms hold us, Your mercy keeps us." Regi's worship guides us right to the heart of the Lord.
Don Moen records and works for Integrity music. His desire is to usher people into
the Presence of the Lord with his music. I can be listening to his songs or watching him on a DVD and I am immediately transported into God's presence. "Here we are lifting our hands to You"; "I need You Jesus, to come to my rescue"; "Jesus, we lift You on our praises, so every eye can see Your face, Your power and grace, behold You as You really are." Don's heart is for every worshipper to experience the sweet presence of the Lord.
Listening to the songs of these three, all mixed together during this trip, made their focus become clear to me. Each has a love of worship. Each knows the power of worship. Each knows the deep place worship can take us. Through their music they can take us there - each in their own style and focus, yet each very powerful. They help me realize worship can be so much more and I desire that in my life.