Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Needing to vent

I am feeling frustrated and a bit discouraged. One year ago I began a journey to healing. I have seen doctors, taken medicine, had tests, started using a sleep machine, gone to physical therapy, had chest xrays, a mammogram and a CT scan, joined the gym, had surgery and began eating healthy. IN addition I have prayed and others have been praying for me.
Some days, I look back and begin to feel like I am making progress. Then I hit another bump in the road - like when I got pneumonia from the surgery anesthesia and when I had to have another sleep test recently.
My hubby asked me this morning how much total weight had I lost. I could not even tell him because the scales at every location I get weighed, weigh differently. Two weeks ago at the dietitian I had lost a total of 67 pounds. But then I had to get weighed at the gym for the "I Lost It At PEAC" program. That scale said I had gained 4 pounds. Then the night of the first Lost It meeting, I had lost another 13 pounds according to a different scale. Yesterday I had my second weigh in for Lost It and I had lost 1.8 pounds from the first weigh in. Today at the gyn doctor I was five pounds lighter than yesterday. Can you understand why I have no idea how much weight I have lost at this point???? (And they all tell me their scale is correct because they have it calibrated! )
The gyn doctor was very happy with my weight loss since our last visit. But when she did the exam, she found blood in my stool. She told me I need to see my regular doctor and to have a colonoscopy. Another bump in the road. I left there feeling discouraged. I was asking myself why, when I have done all that I have this past year to improve my health, are things still going wrong? SO I see my regular doctor tomorrow morning.
Speaking of which, I was supposed to have a follow up CT scan in January. I have been trying for three weeks to get my doctor's office to get me an authorization number so I can schedule it. Maybe tomorrow I can get some action on that too.
Three weeks ago I had a sleep test done. I still have heard nothing from the doctor regarding it. I called the office today and the nurse told me he had ordered my new machine. I told her I knew nothing about that. Why would he do that without discussing it with me?
As you can tell, I am not a happy camper about now. I do not like even the thought of a colonoscopy let alone hearing results from one. And just for once, after a year of hard work, I'd like some good news when I see a doctor.


Meg Sargent said...

Hugs Ruthie. I can understand your frustration. I guess I would think of it this way if my husband asks how much weight I have lost then I must have lost enough for him to notice. He isn't the most observant person in the world. Will be praying for you!

Unknown said...

According to my dr.'s scale I weight about 10 lbs less than my home scale! (I wish!) LOL
You certainly have had more than your share of bumps on the road to good health. I pray for your healing and recovery. Melinda can totally sympathize with your loathing of having a colonoscopy. She has to have one every year (at least).

i am supergirl. said...

i always weigh more when i go to the doctor! :/

My boyfriend is trying to lose weight too so he bought a digital scale. i have been using that for the last several months and its always right on target. i don't get any ups and downs and it calibrates itself because its digital. we use it on a flat surface in the bathroom at all times. we don't move it and use it in different places in the house because you can get an incorrect reading if you use a flooring that isn't exactly flat.

maybe you should keep track of how much you weigh each time at each place you weigh in at that way you can see if even though each scale shows a different number, maybe the weight loss numbers are still the same.
ie, your home scale said 555 last month and this month it says 550. your doctor's scale last month said 550 and this month it says 545. it would still be a 5 lb loss either way.

am i making any sense? haha. i feel like i am just non-sensically rambling.