Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Healing Power of Grandchildren

God sure knew what he was doing when he created grandchildren. Until I had a grandson, I never could understand or appreciated the ravings of my friends when it came to their grandchildren. I have now joined the chorus.
Like most parents I love and enjoy my children. Seeing them grow into the wonderful adults they have become has been a joy as well as a responsibility.
But it did not prepare me for what would happen when my grandson was born. Words are inadequate to describe how my heart burst open in a new and precious way.
He just left after spending a couple of days with us. What a tender-hearted, loving child he is. When I hear that little voice saying, "Grammy", my heart melts within me. The simplest things make him happy. We painted with water, put puzzles together, cut out a kite and stuck it to the fan so it would fly, read his little books, and played charades. The house seems lonely now he has gone.
My pain and health issues did not miraculously disappear when he was here - if anything I hurt more from all of the extra activity. But somehow it was easier to bear when those little arms reach out for a hug, and he says "I love you, Grammy."

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