Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where's the Beef?

In September, 2007, upon the recommendation of my NUCCA Upper Cervical chiropractor, I cut out meat and poultry from my diet. He suggested that it would be healthier for me and that I would feel better. I decided to try it for six months and to see how I felt then.
It was not hard for me to do. I love fish and seafood so began eating more of that. Except for eliminating meat and poultry, I did not really change my eating habits.
At the end of six months, I had not lost any weight and discovered that I had a lot of health issues. So I continued to not eat meat and poultry.
In March I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and began using a VPAP II machine at night. Prior to this, I was pretty much hungry all the time. My doctor told me because I was always tired (I probably had not slept well in years), my body was always looking for ways to energize and eating is one of those ways. Once I began using the machine the constant hunger was gone. When my sleep doctor found out I was a vegetarian, he sent me to a dietician/nutritionist to make sure I am eating enough protein.
In June I began with the dietician. I told her from the beginning I did not want a "diet", but to learn how to eat the foods I already eat in the right combinations and amounts. She has helped me make sure I am getting enough protein. I have discovered as whole new world of "meatless" foods like tofu and vegetable protein. I am eating whole grains (which I love) and pretty much have cut out sugar. AND I am losing weight.
I have run into some difficulties. We recently went to a weekend conference where the meals were catered (not in a restaurant), I had signed up for vegetarian meals. Unfortunately most places do not think vegetarians require any type of protein. All I got was vegetables for every meal - no cheese, or nuts, or cottage cheese or yogurt.
For the breakfast buffet I could have scrambled eggs, but nothing else hot. The cereals were all sugar coated and the oatmeal tasted like dishwater. There was some fresh fruit I could eat.
When I go anywhere that there is going to be food of which I will have no choice, I try to bring a "care package" with me that has nuts, dried fruit, fat free salad dressing, a protein bar.
Because of all of my health issues, I am very conscious of getting enough protein. I feel good about having made this choice, which is totally for health reasons. I still prepare the other stuff for my family at times, but they too are learning to eat healthier. And I am hoping that eventually I will have less back pain and lower blood pressure and maybe even get over the sleep apnea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm Aldebaron on SP.

You make a good point about the supposed vegetarian options. Good thinking on packing a care package.

Congrats on moving toward your goal.

I do lift you up in prayer.
