Saturday, October 18, 2008

Some Things I Have Learned

I have tried to live by the Golden Rule by treating others like I would like to be treated. But I have learned that either others like to be treated inconsiderately, or else they have never learned this rule.
When I first got email I was excited that I could communicate so easily and often with friends and family . I have learned to dread opening my email because for every one personal message I get, I receive 50 jokes, stories, pass-alongs, surveys; and about 50 spams. (Thank goodness for filters).
When I started writing this blog, I did it with the intention of keeping people informed about what is going on with me. It makes it easier than having to repeat over and over or write it again and again. Sometimes my news is upsetting to me and having to constantly remind myself is hard. I have learned that people do not read my blog and that they get insulted when they ask how I am and I ask them to read it.
I have had a lot of health issues during this year. It has been a rough time for me. Instead of me being the one to reach out to others with caring and encouragement all the time, I have needed it myself. I have learned who really cares about me and it is a very small list. I have also had to learn how to be alone most of the time. I have learned to depend more and more on the Lord for my companionship and encouragement.
Earlier this year I began seeing a dietician to make sure I was getting enough protein in my diet. I have learned to take control of my eating, to plan all my meals and to stick to the plan.
A lot of people along the way ask, "How are you?" But I have learned that few really want to know or take the time to really listen to the answer.
I used to think of myself as a good communicator. But I have learned that my spoken words are misunderstood more often than not.
Throughout my life there have been those who have hurt me, disliked me and were just downright mean to me. I have been rejected for a whole variety of reasons. I have learned that I am unique. I have learned to be forgiving. I have learned (with a whole lot of prayer) to not internalize those negative feelings. I have learned to be loving to those who are rejected by others. I have learned to love people, but perhaps not their behavior.
There was a time in my life when I would have said I had lots of friends. I have learned that to have one or two true friends is more valuable than gold.
Many days I wake up in pain and my outlook is not that bright. I have learned that God always sends surprises and joyful blessings my way to change my focus from myself. I have learned to reach out and encourage others, when I need it the most myself. I have learned to love and keep on loving, even through the hurt and the disappointment. I am having to learn to care for myself, after years of pouring myself out for others. In some ways it feels selfish, but it is what I need to do at this point in my life. I have learned that I want to regain my health so I can be the person again that God created me to be.

1 comment:

Del Smith said...

Don' t have to tell me to read it...I already do and love following your journey!