Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thoughts on Tomorrow

I am just sitting here thinking about tomorrow. At noon I see my dietician for a weigh in and pep talk. Last time we met three weeks ago, she cut back all of my nutritional numbers and I have been hungry for three weeks. I am not sure if it is all in my head from knowing I am eating less or if it is actually hunger. But I have stayed on track by planning my meals and snacks and sticking to my plan. I just don't know what the scale is going to say. I feel like the tortoise in the story the tortoise and the hare - slow but steady. Most times I wish the pounds would come off faster, but I know they did not appear instantly and so it will take time to shed them. I also know from past yo-yo experiences, that if the weight comes off slowly, the chances are greater it will stay off. But most of all I know I am eating healthy now and my goal is to regain health.
In the afternoon I see the pulmonary doctor about the results of my CT scan. When I made the appointment, the receptionist told me all of their doctors are double booked every day from now until mid December - so who knows how long I will be there. I do and yet I do not want to find out what the doctor has to say, what diagnosis I will be given. The waiting two weeks for the appointment has been rough. Yet I am nervous about the visit. (I hope I will get my pants on right tomorrow).
I have been praying for strength and for healing. I have been alone a lot and used this time to spend with the Lord. I try to keep focused on all of the positives and ways I have been improving over these past months. And one thing I can say is a BIG accomplishment: in the past when I was nervous and upset over something and alone, I would eat as a way to comfort myself. I have overcome that bad habit and I praise God for His help with that. Food is no longer my companion and comfort - I seek the Lord's presence for that now.
So tomorrow brings two unknowns - I'll keep you posted on what I find out.

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